because of the rabbit.

I would recommend this book to people who like heartfelt story’s. Me my self does not like this book but nonetheless it is a good book. It is about a girl who starts public school and finds a rabbit and she has a brother who does not spend time with her. I think people would love this book if they gave it a try. If you don’t then that’s fine too. I hope you liked my book review.

A wrinkle in time

I would recommend this book to mystery and fantasy lovers. I loved this book and I think you will too if you just try it. It is about a girl and a strange visitor visits her and invites the girl to go on a dangerous adventure to find her long lost father but this would threaten her life. I would read this book because it has so much action and…mystery. It has a lot of heart felt moments too but i’m not going to tell you because i’m not allowed to. It also has a lot of sad moments and moments that make you want scream your so mad.